Internet communications are not secure unless the data being sent is encrypted. We cannot accept any responsibility for the unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of data being sent by individuals to offices of Geneva Trust and other members of the Geneva Trust Group.
Need more help?
Call the helpdesk on +41 22 518 1130.*
*Lines are open (Anguilla time) Monday to Friday 09h00 – 17h00. Call charges may vary. Please check with your local telecoms provider. Please note that we accept no responsibility or liability for the content, accuracy or availability of any external site you may encounter.
If you think you have received a fraudulent e-mail that appears to have originated from the Geneva Trust Group, kindly forward it to and then delete it from your e-mail account.
Simple steps to help you use the internet safely
Geneva Trust takes many steps to secure and protect our computer systems and customer information. To help protect your own computer and personal data, you must take similar precautions.
Protect your computer
We use the latest security measures to ensure that your information is safe and secure. This notwithstanding, you need to take the necessary steps to protect your computer, so that you can use the internet with greater confidence.
Ensure you have Anti-virus protection
These are a type of software that looks out for computer viruses and helps you to remove any viruses or suspicious programs that they find.
We strongly recommend that you have up-to-date Anti-virus software installed on your home computer and that you ensure that the software is kept up to date with the latest virus definitions.
If you access the internet from your work you should also ensure that your employer has installed an anti-virus solution.
It is recommended that you use an Anti-virus program which has an Auto Update feature and that a scan of all files on your PC is scheduled at least weekly.
Anti-virus software is available from many suppliers such as Norton, McAfee and Trend Micro and some companies provide free versions of their software.
Make sure you are protected by a Firewall
A firewall can shield your computer from unauthorized access and block unwanted internet activity
If you are using your home computer to access the internet you should use a software firewall. If you use any other PC (for example, at work) check that your employer is maintaining a firewall.
It is recommended that your Firewall is set up to work on both incoming and outgoing internet traffic, so that you control not only what you allow into your PC, but also have control over what leaves it.
Like Anti-virus software, a range of Firewalls are available from free downloads such as ZoneAlarm, Kerio and Sygate to commercial products from Norton, Tiny, McAfee and Trend Micro.
Firewall software is also built into Windows XP and Mac OS X although you may need to activate these as they are often not turned on automatically. These built in tools may not offer protection against certain kinds of threat.
Keep your computer software up to date
It is quite common for security problems to be discovered in existing software. When this happens the software company will usually issue an update known as a patch.
You should regularly check for updates to the main software on your computer by visiting the supplier’s website or using the update features in their software where these are available.
To check for updates and patches you should visit your software publisher’s website.
If you have a Windows computer you should regularly visit Windows Update to check for new patches from Microsoft.
If you have an Apple computer running OS X you should run the Software Update tool regularly.
Geneva Trust will never ask you for your Security number or Password in an e-mail. Never disclose this information to anyone.
We make various references to external sites where further information may be available. Please note that we are unable to recommend any site or product. The Bank has no connection to these sites and is not responsible for the content or otherwise of any of those sites which you may choose to visit.
The Security Advice is issued and approved by Geneva Trust, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (‘FSC’) in Anguilla. Geneva Trust, whose registered office is situated at 201 Rogers Office Building, Edwin Wallace Rey Drive, George Hill, Anguilla AI-2640, appears in the FSC’s Register under Licence Number GT/11. Geneva Trust is registered as an Ordinary Anguillian Company under Registration Number 1010032.